Tuesday, 4 April 2017

4/April/17 Thorpe Park

I'm exhausted! Went ringing this morning and then went to Thorpe Park straight after. Got home about an hour ago and I'm nearly ready for bed (gotta have dinner first though - taco's yay!)

I left the flat while it was still dark to make the most of the time and daylight that I had because I knew I'd have to leave earlier than I usually would. I bought 8 more pegs yesterday so that I had plenty for this morning, but I placed one of the nets on a footpath, which was impenetrable with the pegs, so I carefully tied the guy ropes to Blackthorn trees..! They'll come in handy I'm sure but I needn't have bought the pegs after all :P

I caught a good variety of birds this morning, and I had a Great Spotted Woodpecker narrowly avoid the net, too. Highlights from the morning include:

  • The Dunnock that I caught had a very advanced brood patch.
  • The retrap Great Tit with ring number D738706 isn't a ring series I recognise. I wonder if it's one of Jan's rings?
  • Having caught a Coal Tit and a Marsh Tit in the same round it was good to see side by side how different they really are from each other!
  • I wasn't expecting my footpath net to catch very much and I was pleasantly surprised when it caught two Chiffchaffs! :D (it caught the Blackbird, too).
  • The Blue Tit that I caught as I was taking the nets in was a beautiful big bright blue boy! (all the B's!) He was lovely :)

Totals for the morning:

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