We're all moved in to our new flat and we have wifi! So I can finally post blogs about recent ringings 😁
So on the 6th, I did a test run of a new site in a car park (I'm sworn to secrecy about which car park, but those of you who know me will know! Ooh this also means I can't post any of my photo's from that morning, in case you guys can guess where I am..!) where I'm hoping to catch more Pied and White Wagtails than anything else... I got there really early, about an hour before sunrise, because when I usually get to this car park it's still dark and the Wagtails are usually already about (I saw 2 Wagtails on this particular morning - typical). I set one net because I didn't want to be inundated with birds, especially when it's probably more likely here than at any other of the places I've ringed that I'll encounter people, even though they did close the top floor of the car park for me (thank you!). Long story short, I could have put more nets up because I caught a grand total of 0 birds, lol. There was a Robin, Blackbird and a feral pigeon "stuck" (I put it in inverted commas because I'm sure they go in there on purpose... especially the pigeons) inside the building where the lifts and stairs are, so I put a net up in there, too. Nope, didn't catch them either. In fact, the Blackbird tried to perch on the top string of my net. Like Jan told me, it will probably be a better site to ring in the Autumn. The best/funniest sighting that morning was Crows throwing all the rubbish out of the bins! 😆
Next up was the Butterfly Reserve on Tuesday 7th March! Is it bad that I don't really remember any highlights from that morning? I didn't even take any photos! I'm sorry! Here's my totals for that session, though:
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