Thursday, 9 February 2017

9/Feb/17 Experimenting with nets

Since it's not been very long at all since I was last ringing, I put the nets in different areas to where I would usually put them. I was really happy with how I dealt with putting nets up today - I usually get frustrated at myself when even the tiniest thing goes how I didn't plan it to, but today, even when I overestimated the length of the 6m net, my thought was "okay, let's sort this out" and just got on with it and sorted it out much faster and effectively than if I was in panic mode 😋 need to keep this up!

Even though all these nets were experimental, all three of them caught at least one bird, so I'm pretty happy with that! Here are photos of the nets today:

The Gundry net (12m)

The NR net (6m) through BBOWT's education area

The Ecotone net (9m)

Although I didn't catch many birds, I did catch the Goldcrest that I ringed on the 24th of January but accidentally let go of while trying to write and take biometrics at the same time (I hold the bird in the hand that I write with, which is weird for bird ringers, apparently..! And I struggle to scribe for myself. I have a scrap notebook that I scribble info in with my left hand before I write it neatly into my ringing book after I've released the bird.) But yeah, I caught that Goldcrest again so I have all of the measurements for her now 😁 This isn't her but this is the male Goldcrest that I ringed first thing:

That face! 💓
The orange crown feathers shows it's a male

I also caught a young male Blackbird that Simon and I keep seeing hopping about in the Butterfly Reserve (always close to where I put my 9m net today - that's the net he was caught in) but never actually caught him before! I'm pretty sure it's the same bird because even from a distance you can tell that he was last years bird - the brown colour of his primary feathers is an extreme contrast to the black everywhere else 😃 here's a photo of him and, in particular, his wing:

Totals for the session, 3 new, 3 retrap:

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